Hi, I'm Thomas

I can be hired for all kinds of things that have to do with the internet (or as we call it here in Germany: "Das Internetz").

Check out things I've done below or say hi on linkedin

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Kubernetes / Container Orchestration

I've been knee-deep in Kubernetes and its variations like k3s since 2017, setting up apps everywhere from big cloud services to the little guys on the edge. This dive into container orchestration is my secret sauce for building tough hybrid clouds that keep services running smooth.

Cloud Native

I'm well-versed in whipping up scalable systems with Docker and LXC/LXD, and I'm handy with tools like Earthly and Helm. My skills with KubeVirt and various CNIs, plus Kubernetes operators, mean I'm all about efficient, service-driven cloud tech.


I'm big on automation, using Terraform and GitOps to make infrastructure setup and management slick and efficient. My work automates not just deployments but the whole cloud management game. ^

DevOps and Continuous Integration/Delivery

Automation is key in my work, making delivery systems super efficient. I use GitLab, Packer, and more to build solid CI/CD pipelines, whip up VM images, and keep testing sleek. Handling k3s clusters and OpenStack instances shows my all-in DevOps approach.


I kicked off with Java and Kotlin, then got hooked on Golang for cloud magic. On the frontend, I’ve mastered Vue, Angular, React, and played with Next.js and Astro.js, blending tech expertise with a creative touch across the whole dev lifecycle.

Now match your favorite buzzword tag below

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Cloud Computing

Full Stack Cloud Engineer

Implementation of an API Gateway-as-a-Service component to be configured via REST API

Software Architecture, Software Design

REST API, Kubernetes Operators

Github, Helm Charts

  • golang
  • kubernetes
  • docker
  • helm
  • github
  • rest


Full Stack / DevOps

Building a version controlled software development platform

Software Architecture, Software Design

REST API, Command Line Client, Code Refactoring Strategy

Gitlab CI, Jenkins, Docker

  • java
  • javascript
  • spring-boot
  • CI/CD
  • mssql
  • gitlab
  • jenkins
  • docker
  • linux
  • rest

IoT / Cloud Computing

Full Stack / DevOps / Cloud Engineer

Developing a Multi-Cloud / Edge provisioning system to provide customers with seamless cloud-native technologies from edge to hyperscaler. Automation of CI/CD and deployment for development environments.

Software Architecture, Software Design, System Architecture, Cloud Native Strategy

Microservices, K8S Operators, API Clients, Command Line Clients, OS Daemons, Infra Provisioning Modules

Gitlab CI, K8S deployment, VM Build Automation, Test Automation, GitOps, Docker / Buildkit

K8S cluster provisioning with Openstack, Kubevirt, LXD, Stateful LXC, AWS EC2, EKS, OpenVPN as a Service

  • golang
  • docker
  • kubernetes
  • openstack
  • buildkit
  • helmfile
  • helm
  • terraform
  • gitlab
  • earthly
  • ytt
  • kapp
  • kotlin
  • typescript
  • packer
  • postgres
  • spring-boot
  • kubevirt
  • kube-ovn
  • linux


Full Stack Cloud Engineer / DevOps

Conceptualising and building a software platform for an online training system for endurance sports

Cloud Architecture, Technical Lead, Software Architecture, Software Design

Microservices, Coach Frontend, Athlete Frontend

Gitlab CI/CD, GCP cloudbuild

GCP cloudbuild, GCP Cloud Run, AWS EC2, Mongodb Atlas

  • golang
  • kotlin
  • vuejs
  • docker
  • kubernetes
  • spring-boot
  • javascript
  • git
  • rest
  • gitlab
  • aws
  • google-cloud-platform
  • serverless
  • mysql
  • mongodb
  • okta
  • JUnit
  • testify
  • jest

Industrial IoT

Full Stack Cloud Engineer / DevOps

Conception & implementation of an Industrial IoT application platform based on Kubernetes running on and integrating both edge and embedded devices

Technical Lead, Systems Architecture, Software Design, Cloud Architecture

Microservices, OS Daemon (Windows/Linux), Dashboard Web App, Command Line Client

Gitlab CI/CD, Multi-Target VM Build Automation, K3OS Customizing / Templating, Docker / Buildkit

IoT Edge Devices, AWS EC2, Provisioning of hybrid edge/cloud K3S cluster, Airgapped Container Distribution

  • golang
  • kubernetes
  • k3s
  • k3os
  • docker
  • linux
  • arm
  • terraform
  • helm
  • kustomize
  • aws
  • vuejs
  • edgex-foundry
  • gitlab
  • spring-boot
  • packer
  • vagrant
  • testify
  • JUnit
  • jest

QA Reporting App

Full Stack Developer

Building a suite of reporting tools for the management of QA of development & cloud platform delivery.

Microservice, Frontend Reporting Application

Github Actions

Gardener, SAP Neo

  • vuejs
  • java
  • javascript
  • tomcat
  • neo
  • rest
  • jira
  • github
  • web-components
  • lit-html
  • gardener
  • jest

Industrial IoT

Full Stack Cloud Engineer / DevOps

Building an IoT communication platform to collect and enrich data of the company's hardware devices

Technical Lead, Software Design, Systems Architecture, Operation Strategy

Microservices, IoT Connectors, Service Dashboards, Web Apps

Gitlab CI/CD, Build Agent Customisation, Docker / Buildkit

MQTT cloud / edge, IoT Edge Devices, K8S/K3S

  • golang
  • docker
  • kubernetes
  • java
  • kotlin
  • git
  • spring-boot
  • gitlab
  • rest
  • mqtt
  • mongodb
  • postgres
  • protobuf
  • junit
  • jmeter
  • cucumber
  • testify
  • spring cloud contract

Video streaming service

Mobile Application Developer / DevOps

Development of new features for the android app / Migration from Jenkins to Gitlab

Team Lead, Deployment & Delivery, Cloud Architecture

Android App

Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD, Firebase Integration

AWS EC2 / AWS S3, Firebase TestLab

  • java
  • android
  • kotlin
  • gitlab
  • rest
  • dagger
  • jenkins
  • rxjava
  • espresso
  • JUnit

Food Retail

Full Stack Developer

Development & operation of microservices for a large scale logistics project in customer retail

Microservices, Micro Frontend, Connecting to external JMQ Systems

Jenkins CI, Docker / Docker-Compose

GCP, K8s, Minikube, Kafka

  • java
  • kubernetes
  • docker
  • spring-boot
  • kafka
  • amq
  • polymer
  • git
  • google-cloud-platform
  • jenkins
  • mysql
  • rest
  • JUnit
  • spring cloud contract
  • jmq


Full Stack Developer, Coach & Consultant

Supporting FE development in projects for external customers in energy & insurance

Coach, Software Design

Web Apps, Technology Coaching (WebComponents / FE Architecture)

  • javascript
  • polymer
  • git
  • docker
  • lighthouse
  • web-components
  • lit-html
  • lit-element


FE Developer, Coach & Consultant

Support and performance audit / performance improvement for a web-components based CMS

Technical Lead, Coach, Software Design

CMS Frontend, Coaching WebComponents / Polymer 2

Gitlab CI/CD, Docker / Buildkit

  • javascript
  • polymer
  • git
  • docker
  • lighthouse
  • web-components

Fireworks as a service Startup


Automation of the entire process from order to execution, focusing on customer experience.

Technical Lead, System Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Agile Person

REST API, Salesforce Customisation, Slackbots, BI Customisation / SEO

Jenkins CI/CD

Managed Server

  • apex
  • php
  • javascript
  • salesforce
  • golang
  • slack
  • google-analytics
  • google-tag-manager
  • seo
  • firebase
  • polymer
  • web-components

Video streaming service

Mobile Application Developer

Developing a new video player library based on ExoPlayer and integrating DRM

Android App, DRM implementation

Jenkins CI / CD

  • java
  • android
  • dash/widevine
  • rest
  • json
  • git
  • jenkins
  • rxjava
  • drm
  • JUnit

Smart Companion App

Mobile Application Developer / Project Lead

Planning & Prototyping a smart companion app for personal development.

System Architecture, Technical Lead, Agile Person

REST API, APNS Gateway, iOS App, Product Landingpages

Google App Engine, Testflight

  • golang
  • swift
  • google-app-engine
  • ios
  • objective-c
  • testflight
  • fabric
  • chrashlytics
  • rest
  • json
  • mysql
  • firebase
  • apns
  • http2

Video streaming service

Mobile Application Developer

Refactor & Relaunch of the mobile app

ChromeCast Lib Integration, DRM, User Features

Jenkins CI/CD

  • java
  • android
  • rest
  • json
  • git
  • jenkins
  • chromecast
  • drm

Garbage Collection Scheduler App

Mobile Application Developer

Porting a hybrid html5 app to windows mobile

Cordova -> Windows Mobile

  • c#
  • .net
  • windows-phone
  • html5
  • bower
  • npm
  • cordova

Photo Sharing Startup

Founder CEO/CTO

Innovative event-based photo albums with focus on user privacy.

Founder, Systems / Infrastructure Architecture, Software Design, Cloud Architecture, Agile Person

Rest API, QR Code Processing Service, OCR, HA Image Store, Native Mobile Applications, Web Apps, Web Widgets

Jenkins CI/CD, Linux Server

Jira, Exim, Root Servers, Artifactory

  • java
  • groovy&grails
  • cloud privacy
  • javascript
  • spring-security
  • golang
  • spring-acl
  • android
  • ios
  • objective-c
  • jenkins
  • tomcat
  • piwik
  • mysql
  • linux


Mobile Application Developer

Development of an AR app for iOS for a sports company

Mobile Application, Augmented Reality

  • objective-c
  • ios
  • metaio
  • rest
  • json
  • php
  • xcode


Software Developer, Software Consultant

Developing a CMS for Travel Destinations, also white-labelling for various b2b customers.

CMS backend, Web Apps, Mobile Apps

  • html
  • javascript
  • php
  • jquery
  • css
  • smarty
  • soap
  • xml
  • rest
  • json
  • ovi-apps
  • mysql
  • java mobile

Real Estate

Software Developer, Software Consultant

Designing and developing a maintenance system for real estate assets.

Systems Architecture / Database Design

Soap Services, Web Apps, Desktop & Mobile Applications

IIS, SQLServer

  • javascript
  • c#
  • .net
  • html
  • soap
  • xml
  • windows-server
  • mssql

Alter Sportplatz 10a - 77797 Ohlsbach - Email - Phone